Did you know?
Peble Jeine

Poison dot Frog
Did you know?

- Poison dart frogs feed mostly on spiders and small insects such as ants and termites, which they find on the forest floor using their excellent vision. They capture their prey by using their long sticky tongues.
- Poison dart frogs live in the rainforests of Central and South America and on a few Hawaiian islands.
- They are fed small crickets daily.
- They may live more than ten years in captivity.
- Poison dart frogs, also called poison arrow frogs
King Cobra
Did you know?

- Most cobras are shy, and will usually run and hide when people are around. The exception is King Cobra, who is aggressive and will rear up and stand his ground when confronted.
- Cobras are the only snake in the world that can spit their venom, and they are accurate up to about half their own length.
- Cobras can inject so much venom in a single bite that they can kill an elephant.
- Cobras only natural predators are the mongoose, and man.
- King Cobras are the longest venomous snake in the world! The average male grows 18 feet long, and some have been known to grow more than 20 feet long.
- King Cobras are the only snake in the world that build a nest for their young, just like a bird, but on the ground.
Killer whales
Did you know?

- Killer whales are the most widely distributed mammals, other than humans
- Killer whales are very social and live in groups called pods, which usually have up to 40 members
- No other animals except for humans hunt Killer whales
- A female killer whale will give birth every three to 10 years
- Killer whales do not eat river dolphins and manatees,
Polar Bears
Did you know?

- Polar bears appear to be white, but their hair is actually transparent.
- The polar bear's primary food source is seals.
- Polar bears have been known to swim more than 60 miles (100 km) without rest.
- Polar bear skin is black; it absorbs the heat of the sun to keep the animals warm.
- Polar bears live in specific countries of arctic Circle Canada, Russia, the United States, Greenland and Norway.
Honey Badger
Did you know?

- Honey Badger is recorded in the Guinness Books of World Records as the most fearless creature in the world.
- They eat anything. They’re omnivores who will go after mammals, birds, reptiles, insects, larvae, plants, fruit, eggs, roots etc.
- The skin also looseness. It allows them to twist and turn on their attackers when held.
- Honey Badgers are very intelligent animals and one of the few known to have used tools to its benefit.
- When there are no bee larvae, the Honey Badger will hunt a variety of other animals including porcupines, insects, meerkats, snakes, young gazelles, tortoises, frogs and even smaller crocodiles. They also eat fruit and vegetables such as berries, roots and bulbs.
This is a first comment, Sep 12, 2023